Silver Day of Coordination: $350

+ 1 Planning session of up to 1 hour

+ Rehearsal to coordinate wedding ceremony up to 1 hour

+ Arrive day of wedding, coordinate with vendors, schedule up to 6 hours


Gold Day of Coordination: $550

+ 2 planning sessions of up to 2 total hours

+ Rehearsal to coordinate wedding ceremony up to 1 hour

+ Arrive day of wedding, coordinate with vendors, schedule up to 8 hours

+ Coordinate/assist with decor as needed


Platinum Day of Coordination/Rehearsal: $850

+ 3 planning sessions of up to 3 total hours

+ Rehearsal to coordinate wedding ceremony, cleanup of rehearsal dinner

+ Arrival day of wedding, coordinate with vendors, schedule up to 10 hours with helper

+ Coordinate/assist with decor as needed, coordinate gifts, assist in cleanup


Diamond Package: $1,850

+ Planning/Coordinate/Vet all Vendors

+ Planning Workbook

+ Up to 8 hours of planning sessions included but not limited to venue and vendor shopping

+ Rehearsal to coordinate wedding ceremony, cleanup of rehearsal dinner

+ coordinate/ass with decor, coordinate gifts and cleanup of reception with helper






